BPS Schools No. 39, 90 & 91, Boiler and Ancillary Replacements
Buffalo, New York
The existing boilers at Buffalo Public Schools #39, #90, #91 were removed and replaced including the ancillary equipment supporting the boilers. The scope included modifications to the existing steam and hot water distribution systems, breaching, combustion air provisions, controls, and chimney. The existing fuel oil systems were removed in their entirety and not replaced at each school.
The existing air handling systems at school 39 were replaced. The domestic hot water head-end and booster pump at school 91 were also replaced. The water softening system at school 91 was also replaced. New boilers were commissioned by Watts to confirm operative in conformance with the design intent.
Watts provided mechanical, electrical, plumbing and structural engineering services, architecture and asbestos consulting related to the various boiler replacements.