Rochester Schools Modernization Program Phase III, Reconstruction of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., School 9
Rochester, New York
Watts is the prime architect for the facilities modernization project at MLK School 9 in Rochester, NY. The renovation aims to modernize the school and maintain a modified 4-strand configuration. Scope includes abatement of hazardous materials containing building elements, renovations to the interior courtyard, and renovations to the Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing systems. Interior design concept includes minor reconfiguration of spaces to provide STEAM learning and equitable special education programming. Renovations to the classrooms will provide new finishes and include ADA toilet rooms for self-contained Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, and Special Education classrooms.
Watts previously was part of the Phase 3 Strategic Plan that served as a roadmap for school renovations and excited to continue our involvement with the City Schools.