SUNY at Oswego, Rice Creek Biological Field Station
Oswego, New York
The Rice Creek Biological Field Station project included a 7,640-square-foot, energy-efficient field station, an observatory, a rebuilt pavilion, a garage/maintenance building, and a new parking area. The new observatory structure contains a 12.5" telescope outfitted with an H-alpha filter for solar viewing.
Watts provided environmental and civil engineering services for the redevelopment of the Rice Creek Biological Field Station at SUNY at Oswego. The project required demolition of the existing biological field station, wetlands delineation, State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) permitting for a new on-site wastewater treatment system, and access road improvements.
Environmental services included a pre-demolition hazardous material and asbestos survey, abatement design, and wetland disturbance permitting. Civil engineering included full site design for site clearing, paving and grading, utility service design, storm-water management and SPDES permitting, and repaving of the 2,200-foot-long access road. Storm-water management and runoff reduction was provided through the design and construction of two new bio-retention basin filtration systems. Watts designed and permitted a new on-site wastewater treatment and disposal system for the facility.
Watts coordinated our efforts with the prime architectural consultant and other team members, and we provided construction administration support services.