
New Cooling Tower Regulations in Effect in NYS

August 31, 2015

Legionella illnesses are on the rise in New York State.  Legionella bacteria may be present in various water sources, including cooling tower water, which has led to emergency cooling tower regulations.

ACEC Leadership Institute Upstate Class of 2015

August 20, 2015

Two of Watts’ engineers completed an eight month leadership course offered through the American Council of Engineering Companies of NY. Here is what Senior Associate Jeanette Koch, PE came away with.

Watts Wetlands Project in August Edition of Parks & Rec Magazine

August 3, 2015

Watts is pleased to be a part of this month's Parks & Rec Magazine with a feature article on the Evangola wetland project completed for the NYS Thruway Authority and NYS Office of Parks, Recreation & Historic Preservation.

Traffic noise analysis for transportation projects: Computer Noise Modeling – Part II

July 13, 2015

Justin K. Kellogg, M.S., QEP, Environmental Engineer's Part II blog post about computer noise modeling as it relates to transportation projects.

House Hunters: Environmental Scientist Addition…Update!

July 6, 2015

Update to Previous Blog Post - The importance of Radon Testing when buying a new home in WNY by Kim Engels

Sitting vs. Standing at Your Desk

June 29, 2015

Doing work at a computer or desk generally requires us to sit.   But how can we avoid the health risks of sitting all day, while still managing to get work done? The solution could be a standing desk. 

Did You Know that Watts Has GIS Capabilities?

March 16, 2015

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, well, how about a multi-layered interactive map with geo-referenced data tables, available at the click of a mouse? Geographic Information System (GIS) is changing the way we work, think, and communicate.

Rehabilitation of the Evangola State Park Terrace Retaining Wall

October 27, 2014

The focal point of Evangola State Park is the massive, beach-side retaining wall Painted white with large, red letters spelling-out the words “EVANGOLA STATE PARK”, it is known to beach-goers and boaters alike.

Traffic Noise Analysis For Transportation Projects: A Beginner’s Guide – Part I

February 12, 2014

Justin K. Kellogg, M.S., QEP, Environmental Engineer gives us a beginners look into Traffic Noise Analysis for Transportation Projects.

Cave of the Winds Renovations

December 3, 2013

Watts was tasked with improving the operating conditions of the elevators and improving the experience of the travelling public. Ultimately, the project works to secure the future of the venue.